FemtoScan Online software is designed primarily to analyze SPM images. It can also be used for electron and optical microscopy data analysis, and for processing of images in standard formats.
The program runs on operating systems Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, as well as their server analogues - Windows Server 2003, 2003 R2, 2008, 2008 R
Filaments formed from DNA in complex with small dendrimer molecules
These filaments are formed from multiple DNA molecules tightly weaved with small dendrimer molecules G6. Dendrimers are small positively charged molecules. In different experimental conditions they can form different structures, for example these filaments or bead-on-a-thread-like structures. The height of the filaments is about 2-3 nm, while the hight of a single DNA molecules on this picture is 0.8 nm only.
(This image is obtained on Nanoscope III, Digital Instruments, USA)
Protopopova Anna. Physical department of MSU, Russia

Triple-stranded DNA
A triple-stranded DNA is a structure of DNA in which three oligonucleotides wind around each other and form a triple helix. In this structure, additional strand binds to a normal B-form DNA through Hoogsten pairing.

Poa semi latent virus
Herbaceous plants of the Poa genus have quite important agricultural and decorativ value. Poa sime latent virus particles are rods with the length of about 100-150 nm, they tend to aggregate side by side and end to end during adsorption onto the substrate surface, forming a monolayer.

Mengo virus
Mengo virus is an icosahedral RNA-containing virus, 27 nm in diameter, causing rodents neuropathy. Viral particles agregate during adsorption on mica, they form islands of dense monolayer. Usually the viruses form hexagonal monolayer, but as you can see on this image a particle can be fixed standing on the vertex between five other virions.

A colony of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a comon bacterium found in water and soil. They are known to cause desease in animals including humans. They can infect damaged tissues or those with reduced immunity (generaly because of wounds and burns). The sample is provided by O. Shaburova.

Linearized plazmid DNA on mica
The DNA used for this image was pUC19 plasmid DNA digested by PvuII. The length of DNA is 2961 bp. An average height of DNA on this image is 0.8 nm.

Linearized plazmid DNA on mica
The DNA used for this image was pUC19 plasmid DNA digested by PvuII. The length of DNA is 2961 bp. An average height of DNA on this image is 0.8 nm.
The red blood cells or erythrocytes are perfect objects for atomic force microscopy studies. To prepare a sample one should simply dry a small blood drop on glass or mica surface and after this can start scanning.

Echinocytes are one of the possible forms of abnormal red blood cells. They appear in the blood in case of a number of diseases, such as uremia. But in most cases, the detection of echinocytes in the blood smear is just an artifact of the experiment.

A thin film of SBS block copolymer with a characteristic microphase bundle
A thin film of styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer with a characteristic microphase bundle is shown on this picture. Areas containing butadiene are softer when styrene and thats why they appear as depressions in the film on AFm-image. Measuring the percentage of high and low phases on the histogram one can estimate the percentage of styrene and butadiene in this polymer.

Brome mosaic virus
Bromus is a widespread genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Gramineae family. Like other plants, it is also susceptible to viral infections. A brome mosaic viruse is a cause of mosaic disease. It is a small icosahedral virus with a diameter of 28-30 nm. When adsorbed to the surface of a freshly cleaved mica the virus formes a monolayer with an ordered structure with a period of about 30 nm.

Hard drive
Visualizing of a hard disk structure in the magnetic mode of AFM (MFM)

Lithography on graphite
Lithography on graphite by local anodic oxidation.

Two types of synthetis viral particles
Two types of artificially synthesized particles based on potato virus X (PVX) coat protein are presented here. Complexes of RNA with PVX coat protein are rods, and complexes of DNA with the same protein are writhing threads.

Fibrin associates formed in the early stages of blood clotting
On the earliest stages of thrombus formation thin fibers called protofibrils are formed. They further interact with each other to form larger macroscopic fibers. These early stages of coagulation can be observed in microscopy in diluted solutions of proteins only. Under this conditions along with protofibrils thinner single-stranded associates are formed on a completely different molecular mechanism.